Friday, July 13, 2012

Vision Boards: Tapping on Your Power of Visualization

Lots of things have been written about Vision Boards. Some companies have even developed IT vision board packages!

Vision boards are posters, collages depicting wishes, dreams, things people want to achieve or become. The law of attraction plays a big role and it helps you to stay motivated, concentrated and live with intention. Not only play pictures a role, but you can use affirmations, quotes and key words to give more power to your visualization.

I have been using vision or mood boards for at least 20 years. These are ideal at in programmes like team building or as an activity to wrap up a training programme. I also use vision boards during coaching sessions, especially after my clients have completed their life purpose session. Vision boards are great to activate one's creativity and power of visualization, plus they help to stay motivated and concentrated in our goals, dreams and to do's.

A couple of years ago I made a vision board for myself. It is the basis of what I want to achieve and be. Each year I review it and add or change things. It's my way of keep moving towards my goals and wishes. I frequently stop and look at what I have achieved and what need to keep growing, as a person and as a professional.

These posters can be done for an individual, a group of people or a company. When my child had problems at school, together we made her vision board. It gave her a purpose; she could look at her wishes and quantify the results. Her vision board was of great support during those difficult years. Now she is self-confident and is a happy and successful teenager.

How to make your own vision board?

Start by collecting the things in this list (this list is not exhaustive, feel free to add your own ingredients):

• Lots of different kinds of magazines. Make sure you can cut out of them

• Collect photos, drawings, etc

• Pens, paints or colours

• Things you have found in the nature

• Glue and scissors

• A big piece of paper. Cartoon is sturdier

• Sentences, words and or quotes

• Music. Quiet music with soft nature sounds is the best.

Also make sure you have a spacious place/table to lay all the materials out.

Now you are ready to for the next step.

Sit somewhere comfortably, in a quiet space (the garden, sitting room, etc) put the music on and close your eyes. Start breathing to your stomach, with intention and fill your lungs with oxygen.

• Ask yourself "what do I really want, who do I want to become?"

• Be open and give your ego a break.

• Dare to dream big and allow your emotions to guide you.

• Look at each item with intention and explore it. Ask yourself if this is what I really want? It is not important to know how you are going to achieve it, just what do you really want

When you have exhausted all your dreams go to the table and look though the magazines, photos and other things you have collected. Select the images that most fit your dreams and goals. You can use words and sentences too! Start by gluing or writing your life purpose or your photo (helps you keep your focus and intention) in the centre of your cartoon board. Then glue all the pictures you have selected, let your creativity take over. Finish by using colours and paints.

Now you have your wishes and dreams on a poster.

I have my vision board and now what?

Hang your vision board somewhere you can easily see it. Your office, sleeping room, o on your fridge...

Make a picture of it and put it in your agenda.

Look at it every day. Take a few moments to relish in your dreams and feel you have achieved them all. Enjoy your feelings of achievement. The more often you pause and look at your vision board the more it will feel real. It is now that the law of attraction starts working. Anker your dreams, envision your goals and live with intention.

Enjoy the process and do not forget to let me know how it went.

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