Saturday, July 7, 2012

Astral Projecting Past Writer's Block - An Astral Dream Solution to A Writer's Worst Nightmare

Every possible inspiration and even full plot lines are just waiting for writers in the astral plane. I personally wrote two full novels at nearly the speed of lights because I didn't need to search my brain for all the details. I simply astral projected my way through chapter after chapter.

I often read or hear about authors suffering from the affliction of writer's block. I know about it but thankfully I will never have to experience that literary difficulty for myself. I have plenty of stories and articles already backed up in my brain, if not on my hard drive yet, due to my astral dreaming ability. And there is a whole astral world of inspiration that is waiting for me to delve into it. My worst affliction is just the reverse of writer's block. I have author's torrent. I have too much to write about and not enough time to keyboard through it all.

Imagine if when you wanted to write a story you just had to go into a screening room where a finished video of the tale you wanted to tell was already playing for you. You just had put it into your own words. And what if that story you had already watched was not even plagiarized because it was a product of your imagination? Well, I do it all the time. Astral dreaming is my research assistant, my inspiration, my informative entertainment and so much more.

I wish I could tell you that astral dreaming is not difficult. Well, it is easy for me because I learned in my death experience that astral projection was real and that is the pivotal key. You have to believe that you can and then you can. I suppose that astral projecting for the first time is like quitting smoking. If you say to yourself 'I can quit smoking' and mean it, then you will quit smoking. If you say 'maybe I will quit smoking', then you've foiled your own attempt.

There is actually another similarity between quitting smoking and astral projecting. Products like nicotine gum and self-hypnosis recordings have made the task of quitting smoking easier than it was in the past. And digital audio products like binaural beats have made astral dreams simpler to accomplish too.

But let's get back to the actual benefits and uses of astral projecting to combat writer's block. When astral projecting, your every excursion into the astral realm is a story in the unfolding. Astral dreams transcend all genres too because your astral adventures can be historical, fantasy, science fiction, mysteries or romances. Whatever your taste fancies, your astral body can fly to with ease.

Interestingly too, I'm now seeing that astral projection can provide the substance for non-fiction and I suppose that I'm living proof of that. The astral realm is the next frontier from 2012 and forward.

Would you like to banish writer's block now and forever? Try astral projecting.

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